
Urdu stories engraiz
Urdu stories engraiz

urdu stories engraiz

When Muslims invaded Pakistan region the majority of its people were Buddhists (as testified in Chachnama), so much so that the word for idol became "budh". The very few Hindu temples found in Pakistan region cannot be dated past the 9th century AD. The fact is there is barely any trace of "Hindu" past in Pakistan region yet there are plentiful of Buddhist and other non-"Hindu" archeological remains in Pakistan region. Thus, the pre-Muslim ancestors of most Pakistanis had nothing to do with so-called "Hinduism". The pre-Muslim ancestors of most Pakistanis never called themselves "Hindu" nor practised any religion similar to present-day "Hinduism". Many different Gangetic holy 'Hindu' texts call Pakistan region and its people as outlandish, sinful, outcast, mlechas, etc. Kafirs of Kalasha, the only people in Pakistan who have retained their ancient religion are an example of the non-'Hindu' religions practised by the ancestors of Pakistanis. The Hellenized-Iranicized Brahmanist and Shaivite converts were a minority in Pakistan. Hephthalites/White Huns were not very fond of Buddhism but it still remained popular among the masses. Buddhism was later also propagated along with Zoroastrianism, Animism, Shamanism, and Hellenism under the Bactrians, Sakas/Scythians, Parthians, and Kushans for many centuries. Similarly, Greek Paganism (Hellenism) spread under the Greeks. Under Persian rule, Zoroastrianism started to spread.

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RigVedic Aryans forbade idolatry, ate beef, sacrificed cows, had no caste system, and were culturally closer to ancient Iranic Avestan speakers. Harappans ate beef, buried their dead, and had no "Hindu" temples/idols/deities. Before the advent of Islam, the majority of people in the region of Pakistan practiced Buddhism, Zoroastrianism (and its derivatives like Mithraism, Saurism, Manichaeism, etc.), Animism (nature worship) including Greek/Hellenic Paganism, Shamanism and other deities.

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